Bay Area -- http://www.transitinfo.org/
AC Transit http://www.actransit.org--||--Tracker (Real time) http://www.actransit.org/rider-info/realtime/
Google Transit - http://www.google.com/intl/en/landing/transit/#mdy
Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) http://www.abag.ca.gov/ - Bay Area Alliance For Sustainable Communities, Bay Area Dioxins Project, Earthquakes, Green Business Program, Census 2000, San Francisco Estuary, Smart Growth, ABAG Geographic Information Systems,
Berkeley Daily Planet http://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/
Berkeley Partners for Parks http://www.bpfp.org/
BAYSTEP http://www.baystep.org/ -- is dedicated to exploring creative human-powered transportation alternatives with children and adults.
Bike Commuting--Yahoo links http://dir.yahoo.com/Recreation/Sports/Cycling/Commuting/
Bike Commuting Tips (Paul dorn) http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~pdorn/Commuting/commuting.html
Effective cycling http://www.johnforester.com/
California Vehicle Code on bicycles http://www.csaa.com/about/education/code.asp
Critical Mass http://dir.yahoo.com/Recreation/Sports/Cycling/Critical_Mass/
Critical Mass--Article: Pedaling to Save the City by Paul Dorn http://userwww.sfsu.edu/~pdorn/urban.html
Ohlone greenway http://www.bpfp.org/SFRW/OhloneGreenway.htm
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition http://www.sfbike.org/
CALPIRG http://www.calpirg.org/
Ann's Catering - http://anns-catering.com (540-649-0869; 2922 Domingo Ave {B})
Market Hall Caterers - http://rockridgemarkethall.com/caterers (510-250-6001; 5655 College {O}, 1786 4th St {B})
Munchery online dinners delivered - https://munchery.com
City of Berkeley http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us
Identity theft - http://boxer.senate.gov/services/consumer/index.cfm - Senator Barbara Boxer's website with tips about credit protection, predatory lending practices, do-not-call registries\
Earthquake Safety Preparedness Information http://www.quakeinfo.org
Ecology Center http://www.ecologycenter.org/
Solar Calendar http://www.ecologycenter.org/chavez/media.html
Electric Vehicles
Electric Scooters/Mopeds
Green Vehicles Los Gatos
33 N Santa Cruz Ave
Los Gatos, CA 95030
(408) 354-5800
Website: http://www.greenvehicles.com/
Heidi's Electric Scooters Santa Rosa 707-546-7889
13324 Bennett Valley Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 90062
Vectrix at Rockridge Two Wheels
5291 College Ave
Oakland, CA 94618
Phone: (510) 594-0789
Electric Cars & Trucks
Green Motors - http://www.gogreenmotors.com/
500 San Pablo Ave. (One block north of Cedar at Jones), Berkeley, CA 94702
(510) 845-4743
O'Connell Electric Vehicles http://www.e-symptom.com/alamedaev/ 1537 Webster Street, Alameda, California, 95401. For directions and information, call 510-865-7255 Also has "Zappy"
Small Potatoes Urban Delivery (SPUD) - http://www.spud.com/
Greengate (NRDC) http://www.nrdc.org/greengate/
Hate Sites
Council of Conservative Citizens http://www.cofcc.org/
National Assoc for the Advancement of White People http://www.naawp.com/
Printing—Inkworks Press 845-7111, http://www.inkworkspress.org/, inkworks@igc.org
Senator Dianne Feinstein
Phone: 202-224-3841
Senator Barbara Boxer
Phone: 202-224-3553
415-403-0100 (SF)
Alameda County Computer Resource Center - http://accrc.org/ - Hours: 9 to 5, M-F, and 12-5 Sats. ACCRC, 620 Page Street (510) 528-4052 Email: info@accrc.org
Curiosity Hacked Oakland (6036 Telegraph Ave - http://curiosityhacked.org/)- needs donations of scrap wood, branches, sticks, and stuffed animals for camp projects.
Oakland Free Hazardous Waste Drop-off - http://www.stopwaste.org - 2100 East 7th St, Thu-Sat 9am-1pm (no electronics, appliances, asbestos, radioactive materials, explosives, railroad ties, or some compressed gases.
GreenCitizen - http://www.greencitizen.com/
Solano Stroll http://www.solanoavenuestroll.org/
UA Express/All Airport Express (OAK, SFO, SJC) - 510-773-9446, 925-594-1176, mikeallairportATyahoo.com
Bay Area -- http://www.transitinfo.org/
AC Transit http://www.actransit.org/index.htm
Amtrak http://www.amtrak.com
BART http://www.bart.gov/
Caltrain http://www.caltrain.com/ -- includes San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans); Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (Caltrain); San Mateo County Transportation Authority
Red and White Fleet http://www.redandwhite.com/ ferries
Transit Info http://www.transitinfo.org/ provides instant online access to transit information for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area, and is supported by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC).
Listings http://www.gist.com/
PBS-Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB;9) http://www.cpb.org
gopher: gopher.cpb.org --- ftp: ftp.cpb.org/pub SF Bay Area stations
KRON http://www.KRON.com
KTVU Channel 2 http://www.bayinsider.com/
KPIX http://www.kpix.com
UPN (44) http://www.upn44.com
Affirmative Action Info http://www.urel.berkeley.edu
Benefits http://www.ucop.edu/bencom Forms/Report Requests via email: ucrs.info@ucop.edu
Computer Learning As Partner (CLP) http://www.clp.berkeley.edu/CLP.html
Digital Library http://www.cdlib.org/--The California Digital Library (CDL) is a tenth library for the University of California (UC). A collaborative effort of the nine campuses, it supports the shared collections of the University of California.
Employee benefits email: ucrs.info@ucop.edu
Environmental Health and Safety http://www.ehs.berkeley.edu
Knowledge Integration Project (KIE) http://www.kie.berkeley.edu/KIE.html
Interactive University Project http://iu.berkeley.edu/iu. This page also has a link to the Berkeley Pledge Home Page
Lawrence Livermore National Lab http://www.llnl.gov
Physics Dept. http://www.physics.berkeley.edu
University Relations http://www.urel.berkeley.edu/b-online
University and State Employees Credit Union (Calif.) http://www.usecu.org
Eastbay wines
Article: Winemakers find fertile ground in the urban environs of Alameda County (W. Blake Gray, SF Chronicle)
Dashe Cellars & JC Cellars - Open noon-5 p.m. Thu-Mon. 55 Fourth St. (near Oak), Oakland; (510) 452-1800,
Lost Canyon - Open noon to 5 p.m. Fri and Sat and by appointment. 2102-A Dennison St. (near Kennedy), Oakland; (510) 534-9314, http://lostcanyonwinery.com.
Rosenblum Cellars 11 a.m.-6 p.m. daily. 2900 Main St., Suite 1100 (near Singleton), Alameda; (510) 865-7007, http://www.rosenblumcellars.com.