Fossil problems

2018 Nov 30, Alan Gould to President Donald Trump:

Your administration's agencies released the Fourth National Climate Assessment, saying climate change is to a significant degree caused by our burning of fossil fuels and will cause the suffering of millions of Americans from flooding, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, sea level rise, drought and wildfires.

I heard you, the president of the United States, say that you do not believe the Assessment prepared by 11 of your administration's agencies. That's not acceptable for broad majority of the American people. Measures that you support towards implementation of alternatives to fossil fuel energy sources are vitally needed. For example the upcoming bi-partisan bill to implement a carbon tax. Please support it! And please stop trying to subvert environmental safeguards and alternative energy initiatives even though some began under previous administrations.

[The second item below is probably a coincidence of coal miners being killed with ethnic hatred as the motive. But the first one---that's an intriguing event that could be an example of fossil fuel economic problems that could get much worse, namely protests and casualties from anger over gasoline and other energy price hikes. Then there are the problems and disputes over water which may get vastly worse as climate change effects increase, yet another fossil fuel related problem.]

San Francisco Chronicle 2017 Jan 7

From Around the World

1 Gas price protests: The death toll in protests and looting fueled by anger over gasoline price hikes in Mexico rose to six Friday when authorities confirmed that two men died in a confrontation between protesters and police in the central state of Hidalgo. There were four previous deaths in looting-related incidents, and over the course of the week, at least 300 stores were looted and more 1,000 people were detained, officials said. Two people also were found dead near looting in the eastern port city of Veracruz. Earlier, officials said a bystander was run over and killed by a driver fleeing police in another part of Veracruz state, and a police officer was killed trying to stop robberies at a gas station in Mexico City.

2 Miners killed: Gunmen in northern Afghanistan ambushed ethnic Hazara coal miners Friday, shooting at least nine of them dead and seemingly adding to a string of recent attacks singling out ethnic or sectarian minorities. The attack happened in the district of Tala Wa Barfak in Baghlan province, a hub for coal mining in northern Afghanistan. The miners were on a bus returning home to central Daykondi province, according to Faiz Muhammed Amiri, the district governor of Tala Wa Barfak.