Happy New Year 2013 ... from Diane and Alan

[For our New Year card, we reminisce on the highlights of the previous year, in this case 2012...]

Health and Happiness to you...


Palm trees at sunset, Northside of UC Berkeley
Diane standing on the Spaceport runway near Truth or Consequences New Mexico, in high winds
2012 May 18: Diane at Spaceport terminal building, before completion.
Alan sports a wig at Moosic session, said to resemble Tina Turner.

Palm trees at sunset, Northside of UC Berkeley.

Diane standing on the Spaceport runway near Truth or Consequences New Mexico, in high winds.

2012 May 18: Diane at Spaceport terminal building, before completion.

Alan sports a wig at Moosic session, said to resemble Tina Turner.

The day before New Year 2012, Alan helps prepare traditional New Year spread at the Tokugawas in San Francisco.

Holiday Greetings! (2012) OK, two years have gone by without us sending out a card or message during the holidays. There's really no excuse for this—only negligence, preoccupation, or outright sloth.

This time last year, Diane was living a nightmare at her lab in Berkeley, when, as Director of the Cytology and Histology Departments, she and her team were responsible for implementation of a new service for all the Northern California Kaiser pathology depts. This year things are pretty even keel by comparison. Not without bumps in the road mind you, but much smoother sailing. Hmmm, mixed metaphor there. Thank goodness it's better than last year.

Alan's still working at Lawrence Hall of Science, UC Berkeley, on a big middle school science curriculum project (http://www.lawrencehallofscience.org/foss), a high school curriculum project (http://www.globalsystemsscience.org/), planetarium programs (http://www.planetarium-activities.org/) and education for the (NASA Kepler Mission. He's responsible for the websites of all those projects except for FOSS. Big change coming up in 2013: Alan's retiring at the end of June. He'll still do some work on most of those projects---they're really interesting.

The big trip of 2012 was going to see the annular eclipse in May from Chaco Canyon. We were in a tour group that visited a lot of cool places before and after the eclipse. Some of the photos in this card are from that trip. Others stops on the trip were Roswell Museum (New Mexico), National Solar Observatories in New Mexico and Arizona, Very Large Array Radio Telescope near Socorro New Mexico, the spin-Mirror Lab in Tucson, Kitt Peak Observatories, Sky City Anasazi Village (Acoma Pueblo), Biosphere 2. May your 2013 be

Diane considers the possibilities of living in a cliff dwelling at Walnut Canyon, Arizona.

Diane considers the possibilities of living in a cliff dwelling at Walnut Canyon, Arizona. Fisheye lens on iPhone.

The day before New Year's day 2012, Alan helps prepare traditional New Year culinary spread with Masa Tokugawa in San Francisco.

The Gould boys, Charlie, Richard, Alan, and Dan, at one of Charlie's home concerts, January 2012.
Diane is viewing the Sun through our little solar telescope during the eclipse at Chaco canyon. She holds welder's goggles too, for another kind of view.
Meteor crater (Barringer Crater) near Winslow AZ. Fisheye lens on iPhone.
Diane standing on a corner in Winslow AZ.

The Gould boys, Charlie, Alan, Richard, and Dan, at one of Charlie's home concerts, January 2012. Alan was guest performer at the concert. See also: Gould brothers photos.

Diane is viewing the Sun through our little solar telescope during the eclipse at Chaco canyon. She holds welder's goggles too, for another kind of view.

Meteor crater (Barringer Crater) near Winslow AZ. Fisheye lens on iPhone.

Standing on a corner in Winslow AZ. Such a fine sight to see (per Eagles "Take It Easy").

Alan & Diane near Sedona AZ
Photo of annular solar eclipse taken from Chaco Canyon by one of our tour group.
Standing on a corner in Winslow AZ. Such a fine sight to see.

Alan and Diane near Sedona AZ.

Photo of annular solar eclipse taken from Chaco Canyon by one of our tour group.

Alan standing on that same corner in Winslow AZ.