LHS 2023

Some nice things happened at The Lawrence Hall of Science where Alan still goes and does volunteer work for.

Here is Alan setting up his Questar telescope with a solar filter at LHS for public viewing of the October 14 eclipse of the Sun that was a partial eclipse in Berkeley and annular in some other states.

In November, at a gala dinner event at The Lawrence, Alan got to chat a bit with Nobel prize winner in astronomy Saul Perlmutter.

One of Alan's long held dreams for the LHS Planetarium was to have a control interface that allowed drop-in visitors to operate different planetarium functions and be in control of the sky. Well, that dream came true this year. Not only is there a spanking new nanoseam dome (35' diameter) but the program for drop-in visitors is in regular schedule; it's called Planetarium Pilots. At the bottom of this photo you can see the home page of the iPad control setup.