Happy New Year 2024!

We're summarizing highlights of our 2023 on these pages:

Special bonus:
Alan at The Lawrence Hall of Science.

In this first photo, we're admiring some perfectly done and delicious roasted brussel sprouts that came out of the oven at one of our cooking classes last January. 

The classes were at Kitchen on Fire that is only about a 6 block walk from our house.

It looks like she's doing CPR on a chicken but actually Diane learned how to butterfly a chicken (also known as spatchcocking).

Alan didn't eat any of the chicken, but he wasn't disappointed or hurting in the least—no shortage of dishes that he could savor.

Here's Alan plating a scrumptious shrimp dish that we helped make.

Other classes we took were with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) Berkeley. Those ranged from "Country Rock" to "Political Discourse in the 21st Century".  From "Theodore Roosevelt's America" to "The Rise and Demise of Communism".  From "Forgotten Founders—Thomas Paine and Benedict Arnold" to "The Manhattan Project". From "Understanding the Balkans" to "The American Project in Afghanistan—What Went Wrong?"  There were no quizzes, final exams, term papers, or homework!